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Determine whether you are prepared for the future by choosing one of the following assessments
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Securing your family: Death
Expected investment growth %
Expected inflation %
Monthly gross income of your surviving spouse
Expected amount of working years for your spouse
Monthly gross income required by your family
Current age of your spouse
Estimated years your family will require income
Total value of your estate assets (e.g. property, vehicles, furniture etc.)
Total potential value of assets turned into cash by your spouse
Total value of your liabilities (e.g. bond, credit card debt, personal loans etc.)
Total cover on your life
Present value of your total investments
Present value of your total retirement funding (e.g. pension, retirement annuities etc.)
Income Summary
Monthly income available 
Monthly income required  
Monthly shortfall/excess 
Capital Summary
Initial available cash 
Initial liabilities and expenses 
Initial shortfall/excess 
Funds available will provide an income for 
Additional cover required 
  • Assumption #1 : Your spouse's salary will increase by inflation
  • Assumption #2 : You have estimated your family’s income needs fairly accurately
  • Assumption #3 : You realise that this is an estimation - and does not take children or dependants term of requirement into account
  • Assumption #4 : You have taken ALL your assets into consideration
  • Assumption #5 : Immediate expenses, duties, taxes, accruals and other
    expenses have been excluded from this assessment
  • Assumption #6 : You are confident that your life cover is active and not payable to a third party
  • Assumption #7 : The fund values of your investments are up to date
  • Assumption #8 : Your retirement instruments are divorce decree proof
Cash Flow